253 Roosevelt Drive (RT.34) Derby, CT 06418 - 203-516-5728

Who are we you ask!?

Roosevelt Tower is a thrift store that started from an idea, a dream! A dream of helping to save the waste in our community with a hope to have our dream spread. We started with a small storage area that filled up quickly, so we had a tag sale. At this time our inventory started growing, so we had another tag sale and another still, at this point our inventory forced us to consider a new location. So we found a small store front on a main road in the Devon section of Milford, Ct.

It took about a year for us to out grow that 2,000 square foot store but we couldn't move yet. The demand kept growing. People were thrifting more and our inventory grew more and more. Our storage area cold not sustain us, we needed a larger space. We searched for a facility that could house all our business.

We finally found it in mid 2012! A large plot of land that held an old factory that dates back to the late 1800's. It was in dire need of rehab but it had the potential to be the spot we needed. So we got the property and started the much needed work. By July 2013 we were ready to open our new 9,000 Square foot thrift shop with a 35,000 square foot warehouse. Thank you for visiting, stop by and see our inventory.